Thursday, July 18, 2013

My move to Ellicott City is a launch! Moving 1st of Sept 2013!

Sandra Bear Davis on Facebook-feel free to friend me!

Well my move to Ellicott City  is a launch! Sept 1 2013!
I have a Craigslist ad in seeking a room in the area and can stay w family until then anyways.....
I have secured my work space at a Wellness Center in Old Town Ellicott City!
I have 2 local meetups that are growing and thriving
 and the other you can google- Intuitive Development, Psychic Readings, Tarot Study - it is in Ellicott City just launched TODAY!

I have a friend that will be working as my business manager helping me to organize and implement in a more DC biz manner! Getting my blog,youtube show and blogtalkradio show all lined up in a more orderly fashion ! All I can say is YEAH.. I have prayed and prayed for this!!

My schedule weekly is still being formed but this starts mid Sept- Mystery School Style Intuitive Development Classes. Other than Ellicott City I need places to teach these...
Tues is class in Northern VA
Wed is class in Washington DC
Thurs is class in Ellicott City

Monthly around DC Metro area I have a BIG weekend event...
 Fri night channeled message circle in Reston
Sat Appalachian Folk Medicine healing circle in Fairfax
Sun Prosperity manifestation ceremony in Woodbridge

I will begin a 2 year  certification course via monthly workshops in Ellicott City
as well as teach a once a month-amp up your healing ability workshop.
I will add in a once or twice a year "working,healing and playing with Elemental Kingdom" workshop as well.. have taught that since 2007-love it!

In Ellicott City
I will add in monthly  drumming circle
shamanic journey
trance medium healing circle
channeled message circle

I will offer private hour sessions for akashic records readings, face and palm reading,medical intuitive/trance medium healing with Cherokee accupressure,intuitive reflexology, herbal consultation ,crystal and vibrational shamanic healing!

Private hour sessions at the wellness center will be $110.00  1/2 hour $60.00 Likely Mon to Sat 11 am to 7 pm ....I MAY be in Northern VA a day or 2 at 1st and do some mobile healer/ reader appts for ones that cannot come out or don't have time to travel out...go to them ya know! ...My intention though is to work at the Wellness Center FT as soon as possible!

I am having to raise my rates as I will be paying higher rents for my healing space as well as my living space! A reader/healer is different than many professions as the energy it takes only allows me to do approx 4 or 6 sessions per day along w my group events!

I do phone readings as well weekdays 2 to 10 pm at 1-888-693-8437 ext 04268117  30 minutes is 60.00 through the Ether phone service. Starting in Sept those hours will be cut way back-
I will get back to doing a morning radio show w blogtalk radio-been missing that! Great way to connect with people!

I will also do trance medium art-folk art angels ,spirit guides and what I see in the energy body!

I am VERY excited about this move and doing my work more powerfully and prosperously NOW!

In many ways since 2008 it has been a really rugged time-but a time to grow strong,to perfect my events and to come right back to my power space in DC Metro and do my work!

Ellicott City MD is a launch!

Let's GO!!!!!!
Manifest manifest manifest-for the Greater good we serve-IN LOVE and LIGHT...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My magickal move to Ellicott City Md

Of all places I never expected to move to-to be absolutely called to moved to is Ellicott City Md.
Had never ever even  heard of it till a little over a month ago. I did a healing group there and had the documentary of my Appalachian Folk Medicine healing taped there-that will be out in 6 months or so!

From the 1st moment I drove into the Old Town area of Historic Ellicott City I knew what it was to fall in love with a town.
I am moving there-come hook or crook-come Heck or High water. I am making it my home.
The 200 year old stone buildings, the clean rushing stream- the lovely shoppes and delicious energy...

Actually I have every expectation that it will be easy-powerful,swift and miracle filled.. already has been.. amazing! amazing... amazing!

This is the link to my DC Metro meetup I organize events through-free to join !

There is a Wellness Center there I am crossing fingers and toes to be the FT healer and reader and to teach classes and hold events there... put it out there-doing an event there next week and a few in Aug and Sept-my hearts desire is to begin work there in Sept FT- I feel it in my Akashic Records as a done deal- easy breezy!

I will have to start out renting a room or staying with a friend there for a few months -I want to be within a short bike ride from work and I want to live in one of the ancient stone buildings there nearby ....
Eventually I will rent a house then buy one when the time is right... unless I get an apt in one of the old stone buildings of main street w a balcony-then I may stay for years and years .I suppose I am saying-I am open to whatever keeps me a walk away from work and allows me to live simply and abundantly while serving the community fully! Oh my goodness to own one of the downtown buildings and have a metaphysical shoppe/tea room downstairs and live upstairs would be an amazing thing .. we will see! In time it will become obvious and easily done!

If you know me you know I have wanted a metaphysical shoppe, new age book shoppe w tea room ,antiques and a place to do reading and healing for a long time.. what a beautiful village to manifest this dream come true.. sighs-sighs-sighs...
I say _I-but I really mean we- my hubby will follow me up once I get established-for now he is travelling with his work.

I want to share some pictures I found of historic Ellicott City as a means of manifestation of MY dreams come true!
I have NEVER just found a place and said-this is MINE- generally I end up living wherever my husbands work is or where events in life lead me.. not this time-this time IIIIIIIII choose it!

This is the perfect little historic town just outside of Baltimore -with easy access to NYC and DC Metro to do my healing work,to do readings,create and sell my folk art, do ceremony and teach classes in metaphysics!

The area is upscale and affluent-but has a sweet unpretentiousness about it-I love the historic stone buildings.
I love doing events there and have quite a nice group of clients already!
Poised to move and do my work as I have wished and wished to do- having the room  full of folks eager for the healing energy of my Medicine Circles.
Having vibrant classes , celebrating joyful ceremony of abundance .
I will be SO happy to be in such a place that has no fear of success and money based shame-no addiction to poverty as I have seen in Pittsburgh and yes even at times in my beloved home area of Asheville NC-people there tend to struggle financially.
Me-I am done with that forever.
I embrace that there is PLENTY in the Universe. That I can live a comfortable financial life AND serve the community!
I have found MY place.
Chosen by me as a perfect energy match.
I am charmed by the energy there
I am in love with the Old Towne stone buildings
I am enchanted with the bike trails, by the natural beauty.
The energy there flows beautifully.
I flow there beautifully.
It is an energy match made in heaven- I will serve that community all my days.
I wanted to be away on a homestead or so I thought- HOWEVER-events led me here-swept me into service.
I had prayed -let all doors shhut that have nothing to do with my divine life calling.. and they did!.. as these doors shut powerfully though-other doors opened powerfully.
The doors to this space opened magickally and powerfully,lovingly and peacefully.
My heart is content in this village.That calls itself a city- the area I will work,live and flourish in reminds me of an old English village.
Walking to market,biking around ,cute coffee and tea shoppes,antique stores,farmers markets.. all the things I adore!

Because of the demand for my services and because the area is quite affluent and housing expenses will NOT be cheap I can charge 110.00 for an hour session and expect to do at least 30 of these hour sessions per week right away- as well as have certification courses,weekly psychic dev class,weekly drumming circle,weekly medicine circle and weekly channeled message circles!
I expect folks from not only MD-but DC-NOVA and NYC to make their way down to my space! It would be so funny if folks from Pittsburgh came all that way- when to cross a bridge when I was there seemed like an overly daunting task for the locals... that would be fun to see them visit me in Ellicott City .

I like Pittsburgh well enough-I just really need to live somewhere where I can do my work and make a great living! I love Asheville NC as well-but it is overflowing with healers and readers... this area here-Ellicott City MD needs me! Loves me-adores me-embraces me...respects and honors me.

Home of my heart-I am coming to you NOW!!



and so it is and so shall it be-for all times my divine home .. my space and my place-thrive-alive!!
I have spoken.......

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It matters where this empath lives

It matters where this empath lives

When I lived on my little country homestead in Western NC I was grounded, content, deliriously happy. I thought it was my forever home-I was wrong….. I am a homesteader and come the Spring when I was getting ready to get my farm animals and plant my garden-the owner had a sudden change of heart about how I could use the space. The owner did not want me to plant a garden, did not want me to have goats, horses and chickens and yet expected me to keep up a large field. She had offered to owner finance-when I asked her about it the terms were ridiculous and unreasonable. .. and so I had to leave.
I was and continue to be heart broken over this 3 months later.

It forced me to move back to Pittsburgh which I had vowed never to do again … let me start this by saying- Pittsburgh is not in itself a bad place- we simply have bad energy mixture- we cannot blend and never will…

Pittsburgh is a great place in many ways-with lots of really nice people.
It is not that which gives me difficulty.

I have been in Pittsburgh off and on for 3 years. I can stay in the area a few months at a time but find myself unable to stay here any longer.

It is the energy here- you see I was born into natural positive energy spiral spaces and have lived almost all my life in these. These energies spiral in a clockwise motion with an upward and outward energy-full of life force and positivity.

Pittsburgh has a natural downward negative spiraling energy. It is why many magickal type people here are very depressed, medicated and desperately poverty stricken. It is why there are so many arguments and “Witch wars” here … constantly all the time drama -drama -drama- I withdrew from all that a long time ago-I loathe contention.

It is also why there is such an emphasis with psychics here with death. Mediums make a great living here- much more interest in death than positive living readings and ones wanting to align to their divine life path of service ( which is what I typically do my readings as – to aid ones to create the life of their dreams )

The energy here is death focused.

Here people deal with the negative spiraling energy several ways- they drink A LOT,  lots of addiction to gambling, they watch sports religiously, most folks are on medication for depression, they fight and fuss .. and LOVE it!

It is a simple natural energy phenomena here –one I do not and cannot resonate with!

When I spend months away I regain my positivity, my groundedness , my desire to serve as a healer, reader, teacher. I become me- a multitasker with lots of great events and classes going on all the time…

Week 1  I come back to the Burgh-I become  ungrounded and start to spin energetically . I lose my focus.

Week 2 I cancel all events as I lose my desire to serve the community here. I feel angry and pissed off.

Within a month-I have to get out- I become physically ill and feel desperately unhappy. trapped and financially strapped.

So you see-it matters where an empathy lives.
We feel the energy.

That is why as soon as possible I am moving to Ellicott City Md- it has for me a positive energy spiral, it is financially abundant, has charming old stone buildings  that I find grounding, has bike and walking trails, many nice shoppes and restaurants, has a relaxed prosperous energy. I have many clients there already, a space to work and loving heart centered connections and friendships quite quickly.

The energy reads positive, loving, financially prosperous , friendly , easy to live with and in….

I know it is NOT perfect-no place is-but some places are PERFECT for our energy. This space for me reads a perfect energy match.

In that area you will find me holding large events such as healing circles, prosperity manifestation circles, channeled message circles and YES at times even mediumship circles! I do these public events on love offering basis-ie ones pay whatever feels fair to their hearts-the average person in DC Metro gifts $40.00 an up- the average Pittsburgher left some lint- I would starve there as they say-hey my heart says it is free ( I kid you not people told me that to my face) In DC Metro- I see 4 to 6 clients per day for $90.00 an hours sessions-no one blinks an eye at the expense.

I teach classes in DC Metro slammed full of 30 attendees- Pittsburgh 1 to 3 would come out for most events.. I TOTALLY lost my desire to serve as it was JUST depressing (now in the Burgh at times events would be full and guess what I made w 12 attendees for a healing circle??? 10 bucks.. yep- 3 hours healing 12 people-10 bucks…… I felt very taken advantage of – and  unappreciated.

Now there were a few bright shining lights there- and I recognize you and love you- you are the ONLY reason I will ever come back to the Burgh .. I can handle a day or 2 a month when I visit .

For the next 6 months my hubby will be on a work project in New Orleans.
I will spend part time there and part time working in DC area- as well as come by Pittsburgh a few days at a time.

I will be keeping my eyes open for a rental house in Ellicott City..yeah  I KNOW it will not be cheap- GOOD! I want a nice upscale space to live out the next 50 years!!!

This is what we want- a nice suburban small homestead –where we can live, have gardens, chickens, and do our work abundantly!
Nice tree lined, nice wide sidewalked neighborhood on a quiet side street

Fenced in yard-pretty white picket preferably!

Garden spot, fruit trees, grape vines, berry bushes, space for a few hens
Dog run
Pool,pool house
Decks and patios , front porch w rockers and swing and a screened in porch
 Small greenhouse
Outdoor kitchen

3 BR 2!/2 baths
Work Office / art space  for ME!! ( I would prefer to do readings and healings from my home healing space - )
LR w working FP ,big DR, nice big light and bright –updated gourmet kitchen w breakfast nook
2 car garage and nice street side parking – perhaps in a culdesac…
Master bedroom suite w/  walk in closet and large master bath
Basement family room with fireplace w enough room to teach psychic dev classes , herbalism classes, Charlie to teach  chakra toning and journeying through the Chakras  weekly and monthly healers certification workshops .

I plan to drive a green range rover-old school style...and a red Jaguar. Charlie likely will have a new pickup truck.

When in positive spinning energy spaces I am the energizer bunny of metaphysical wonders!!

Mon to Fri 2 to 10 pm you can call w no appt for a reading or distance healing!
1-888-693-8437 ext 04268117
$60.00 for 30 minute session

I will be in DC Metro doing large group events July 21 to 26 through  I have 2 channeled message circles and an abundance manifestation ceremony along with doinga shamanicjourneey w a psychic development group and doing private sessions for healing and readings!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Healers Tour and my calling as a healer 06/11 by New Earth Prophet | Blog Talk Radio

The Healers Tour and my calling as a healer 06/11 by New Earth Prophet | Blog Talk Radio

My calling as a healer and higher dimensional helpers

The Healers Tour Video

Have you ever had a moment when you walked past all your fears and doubts...all your self imposed limits ?
I am experiencing that this very week ! I have had the call to be a healer-healing millions of people with hands and voice and crystals.
The original vision given to me seemed TOO big! Long before I EVER heard of John of God the angels told me-heal many people all at once, wear white, make healing soup and tea for them...THEN I heard of John of God and how he heals this way and has for quite awhile. The angels said-He is getting tired now and you must step up to help him now...
Like him I am an unconscious trance medium healer-unlike him mine is more Mother Love/Divine Feminine as the spirits I channel in healing are the Dove Goddesses- Mother Mary, Qwan Yin, Alcyone, Isis, Mary Magdalene AND Mother Earth Goddesses-Dana, The White Buffalo Calf Woman,Gaia, Oshun . I also work with Abundantia and The spiritual alchemist King Midas to help people manifest finances in ceremony!

I was scared-it seemed TOO big and it felt like I would be seen as a mimic. I felt like maybe it was my ego WANTING to be something. I shoved the calling aside and tried to forge my own path.
I hit roadblock after roadblock. Trying to do things my own way-trying to run from the very reason I had incarnated anyway. I wanted to be ordinary
When at last I emptied myself and bowed my neck to Creators will..
Doors opened
I felt no longer afraid.
I followed Spirits leadings and it has led me to this very week in time.

I will never look back
I will never falter again.
I will walk towards this destiny with my head held high.
I am here now
and so it is!

I want to extend an invitation to come for healing -right now from my home healing space-but we are seeking to secure an old church in the area for our healing work!

Starting July 9th 4 to 6:30 I will be doing large group trance medium healing -this is on donation basis-ie pay what feels fair to your heart! My intention is to be moved into the church by Sept 2013! I KNOW this is a stretch for a poor non profit-but I BELIEVE in Miracles! 1845 Lincoln Rd Pittsburgh PA 15235

Having witnesses many at my hands as spirit flows into people and they are healed.

If you would like to make a donation to help us purchase the old church -it is 50 K - we have a donations page on the site that goes to the Non Profit Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community " We build community by building community gardens!" I just draw a modest weekly salary... E have 3 goals right now
1) Purchase the church for large group healing, ecumenical spiritualist Sunday services,classes,workshops, events

Here is some iinformation on this project!

This is the link to the little chapel in Pittsburgh PA where I intend to set up an ecumenical healing temple, have offices for my non profit" Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community" and have weekday large group healing w free soup and bread(it has a professional kitchen)
The non profits goal is to build community by building community gardens- we go into economically challenged inner city neighborhoods and work with local organizations asking them to mentor the garden! We just have 1 under our belt now but are gearing up for our New Hope Jazz Gardens project creating gardens with music and art ...
The church will be called " Our Lady of Divine Light" and will be ecumenical spiritualist-open and inclusive!
It is where you would come to get trance medium healing on a regular basis -open to about 300 people a day-the energy set is able to heal thousands at a time! SO- 300 is a breeze!
There is also space for several holistic healing practitioners to rent an office as well as a community room for thing like yoga,bellydance class, drum circles, concerts ,wedding receptions and such!
Please keep us in your prayers-this is what your love offerings for events goes to manifest-I draw a small weekly salary.
If you wish to be an angel of our healing casa- please free to do so! I am seeking a miracle and spirit has always shown me that if we walk by faith and follow our divine life calling- amazing events fall into place easily! [:D]

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Healing with the Angels: Distance Healing Prayer

For those of you that would like to receive distance healing with the Archangels I am recording this live at 1 PM May 15th-you can listen to the show anytime thereafter!

I will lead you through a relaxing breathing exercise and walk you into a healing prayer which will include drumming and singing to call in the Archangels to heal!

I hope you enjoy this-I feel the power of the archangels around me now readying me for this amazing healing event!

Be blessed and a blessing!

I have a vision and a divine life calling  mission of returning the ancient healing temples back to mankind-places where ones can come free of charge to receive healing-they may offer donations and love offering to keep the spaces well maintained and flowing- but healing is given with no attachment to payment...

The Mission of the Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community is to GROW COMMUNITY by growing community gardens!
We seek to bring people together in financially struggling inner city areas so they too may enjoy healthful organic foods!Too many people live in areas where they have no access to healthy foods -where stores close because of the violence. We are here as a very small non profit to turn that - we seek cities to donate lots that can then be turned into City Farms!  Helping them to begin a community garden and attaching them to resources for doing so ,to educate and empower! We are NOT here to do it for them but to begin the project,help them get going well established  -then when they are ready - show them the way and release it to local people who have a passion for the community garden!

If you wish to donate to further our work please send to Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community  1845 Lincoln Rd Pittsburgh PA 15235 - we are seeking to purchase the Nunnehi Homestead through our Non Profit the Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community and affiliate of the larger non profit Global Coalition for Peace in Bethesda MD!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Going to be recording the distance healing prayer on Blogtalk radio today and setting up my daily distance healing and prayers sent for healing or blessings.
If you want to be on my daily list for healing prayers and blessings please "friend" me on Facebook =Sandra Bear Davis of Lake Toxaway
I am going to be doing LOTS of 2 hour events around WNC and some in DC June 20 to Aug 20 -WE offer venue owners 30% of the proceeds and after expenses are donating the rest back to the Three Rivers Tribe Cnscious Community Non Profit for purchasing the Nunnehi Homestead Healing Retreat Center

the events are $30.00 per person for groups of 10 to 10 thousand and will be taking place at several locations upcoming! 

NOTE: The Appalachian Folk Medicine Healing Circles are ALWAYS on a love offering/donation -pay what your heart says is fair basis!
so today will be

Also working on my 2 hour event flyer and info packet - offering either

Appalachian Folk Medicine Healing Circle, as a shamanic trance medium healer/medical intuitive this includes an extensive healing prayer calling in the archangels to ...heal, a sageing ceremony, laying on of hands,vibrational healing with drums,rattles and crystal bowl as well as a spirit song

Channeled Message Circle -Channeling the 8th Dimension Crystal Healing Palace where the Order of the Council of Dove Goddesses Convene with other Ascended Masters for messages to mankind for ascension and seeting up New Earth Community ,

Prosperity Manifestation Ceremony gifted by the Archangels after my NDE -I have an e-book available on Kindle called "I am Midas Spinning Energy Into Gold"-spiritual alchemy is a specialty of mine!..or groups can choose

Singing in Spirit a spirit songs concert with drumming, crystal bowl guided Journey and of course calling in the Angelic Choir to join us in song ! Love and Light filled events will be taking place in WNC and some in DC from June 20 to Aug 20 before my tour begins on Aug 23rd!!

If ones wish request an information packet to potentially book these events please contact Emily Wayfarer Lowrance she is booking and organizing for me in WNC-

Sunday, May 12, 2013

New Hope Jazz Gardens project with our NON Profit!

This is in the formative stages and we are putting this together NOW- in love and light we serve the GREATER good!

The New Hope Jazz Gardens Project -affiliated with Nunnehi Homestead Healing Retreat Center and funded through our Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community Non Profit.

The New Hope Jazz Garden Project ie Inner City Urban CSA Farms is Charlies part of the whole Non profits feed the mind,body and spirit theme- -mine is the WNC Highlands Nunnehi Homestead Healing Center and CSA .

The upcoming healers tour is designed to raise funds to purchase and fully pay for the Nunnehi Homestead-our nearly 7 acres of off grid retreat center and holistically healthy CSA homestead farm...where ones come to reconnect to nature, to learn the olde ways of Appalachian Folk medicine and to connect to the POWER places of the WNC Highlands and HEAL THE WATERS of their bodies! Our retreat center and  education center-this will NOT be a "cheap" place to stay or a
'cheap" CSA to partcipate in... that is because after expenses (like paying staff their modest wages-and NONE of us do this because it is big money-lol- no way!!)

WE will be primary funding for the Inner City New Hope Jazz Gardens Project- .. we also want to help people get resources that desire to do these projects where THEY are!

Starting with  the Pittsburghs " Hills " district projects an area once thriving with Jazz Clubs and a deep musical heritage, predominantly African American neighborhood that we are called to help bring to life with gardens!
So many inner city areas have NO access to organic and healthful foods-healthful grocery stores are afraid to open in the areas and many people rely on convenience gas station snacks to live!

Starting with Inner Cities but our hope is to branch have music and gardens all around and to celebrate each CULTURES music and food! They grow what THEY love to eat!

My desire is ALSO to build gardens on the very poor Native American Reservatons and In Hispanic areas and in the  Poor Appalachias-to spread out gardens and music- to embace the CULTURE of the area... to let artist paint the garden walls and to let musicians perform and to constantly have music and growing of food and community!

We intend to work WITH the local police an even gangs that are open to provide a safe place for THEIR grandmothers and little brothers,sisters and cousins to come together in a peaceful space..We intend to help them provide an income to keep the garden going. and to expand the vision ..making Inner city abandoned lots oasis of peace and plenty...

I am big picture visionary and dreamer -but also a VIRGO Earth sign and a gardener and healer.. I have SEEN how chldren respond working in gardens- everyone feels better and happier when they are connected to the soil and to their own food sources-everyone craves community! Blending this with Music and Art and GOOD Healthy food... sighs-It is a GOOD thing!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Creating BEE Havens for the 7 generations WE serve !

I woke up with my mind on establishing HONEY BEE Havens today-NOT behaving( you KNOW that ain't gonna happen-lol) HONEY BEE Havens-the importance of each of us a little at a time creating oasis of protection for the HONEY BEES-

Come on-we KNOW corporations aren't gonna do it-it HAS to begin GRASSROOTS... and 1 person CAN make a difference!
This how I plan to do it-please share input if you have additional ways in mind! I love ever learning!

I am an Appalachian Medicine Woman-part of my work is Oracular-I speak and write and do healing as an Oracle- right now the White Buffalo Calf Woman and the Bee Goddess Melissa are riding with me strong...healing of ALL life is vital now- the honeybees reflect how all life is doing on Earth - and as they suffer and die it shows our own lives are at risk!

We fight for the rights of the 7 generations that follow-for we serve them.. we do not OWN the Earth- we are HER CARETAKERS..I devote my life in Service of Creator and in honor of Mother Earth! I love life-I love beauty-I love babies and I love BEES....symbols of hard work and tasting the sweetness of life and peace and fine sunny days of ingathering and abundance!

1) Planting Heirloom seeds-NO GMO ( 1 kernel of GM pesticide death seed corn can kill a whole hive and drinking dew off the GM corn is suspected to be part of the whole colony collapse plague )
2)Plant lots of flowers-the Bees love my Bee Balm( go figure) dance merrily in the zinnias and adore the butterfly bush ..

3) Between the raised beds and in the fields plant red clover-they LOVE it -PLUS you get the red clover flower to dry for natural medicine! The Nunnehi Homestead bunnies will love it too...

4) Have sources of fresh water for them-not city water w chemicals-but some fresh water-maybe keep a rain barrel or a bird bath and a bird feeder ..keep the bird bath full of  good fresh water (ok I LOVVVEEEEEE birds too-why not give them a break as well) .. of course if near a stream no worries! Flying far to find water is a great danger to the Honey Bees!
5)If you CAN have a honey bee hive or 5 -then DO it!! It will be GREAT for your garden,your health and you can make mead, sell honey,make your own homemade tonics and cough syrups , make your own items with beeswax (salves and balms, candles and SO many wonderful things )-it is TOTALLY a part of homestead living and aiding in the healing of ALL..including  the honeybees-you and I and the Mother Earth.. for the 7 generations we serve cannot live without the blessings of the Earth-and her buzzing babies-THe Honey BEES!!

6) Support your local beekeepers- buying local honey protects YOU in many ways-it is the BEST to use local honey if you have allergies-it acts a bit like homeopathy ( please- research all of this for yourself I am FAAAARRRRR too lazy to post links and give reference material-but you can find it IF you seek it!)

7) Of course NO pesticides or insecticides- you can get to know the Overlighting DIVA of the bugs and so called weeds and they will help you manage the garden VERY well- talking to the Overlighting DIVA of the stinkbugs and asking them to leave and go into an abandoned house nearby I SWEAR we have no problems with them now-as many of my friends did it AND IT WORKED!!)

8) Talk about GMO and honey bees- most people HAVE NO CLUE as to the harm they are doing to themselves and the environment by supporting GM big ag!! It may be CHEAP food now-but the expense in loss of life and illness is beyond measure ...

9) Get out in nature and get to know the bees-listen to the voice of nature and hear these things for yourself! Nature is waiting to talk...and the Divine Mother is ALL ABUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with excitement to make your gardening life a BEE HAVEN full of sweetness of honey and blossoming joy unfolding!

If you are interested in coming to our Nunnehi Homestead Retreat Center please see

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Healers tour and Homestead update

Howdy Divine Love Lights! Been working on the upcoming" The Healers Tour"...according to my birthdate starting this would be best in Late Aug or Early Sept-giving me and my lovely assistants plenty of time to organize and book the dates and for the different venues to promote very well
I write things to keep ya'll up to date and to keep me focused and ALSO as a manifestation tool.. write it and it comes into is a VERY powerful manifestation tool many never get around to using - I will be reading this out loud several times- likely 15 times to break through ANYTHING..
On Tour our main hubs will be Asheville, Pittsburgh and DC Metro- each city having a 300 mile radius we will travel to-
The plan is to come in and work with groups of approx 30 to 60 and fingers crossed many hundreds and thousands  in time...
Fri evening we do a channeled message from the 8th dimensional Crystal Healing Palace as well as tapping into the Akashic Stream for attendees , The White Buffalo Calf Woman and Melissa the Bee Goddess ride strong with me especially ...
Sat will be Trance Medium Healing 11 am to 7 pm and a Shamans Songs -Drumming in Spirit concert Sat night- I sing the songs that were gifted by Spirit to heal...
 Sunday I will see folks for an hour for spiritual counsel then that evening have a Prosperity manifestation ceremony of abundance for Lightworkers that was given to me by the Archangels during my NDE-
I am able to stay in the area Monday and Tuesday if the venue owners wish to book  6 sessions per day for healing or spiritual counsel/akashic records or mediumship reading.
The channeling and the prosperity ceremony are not limited at all to amounts of people-As primary energy bearer of Dana Healing Energy  I was trained by my Grandfather to work with small,medium and very large groups.
During the planning phase if anyone would like me to visit their space and speak about New Earth Homesteading, Bee Havens,to do a channeled message from the 8th Dimension  ,to lead an Appalachian Folk Medicine Healing Circle let me know .. I will have videos up soon describing all of these things-
PS I am in the Burgh right now if you want to come get healing -afternoons 1 to 6 - please PM me and we will make arrangements-give me AT least a days notice!
I SHOULD be back in WNC the 21st -if anyone there wants to schedule me to speak or teach...-I will also be setting up my office in Lake Toxaway for healing,spiritual counsel and to sell my folk art!!
Big doins ya'll.. big doins!!!... Once I buy the homstead I will totally need a homestead caretaker while I travel! Hopefully a conscious,metaphysical love light on a similar wavelength!! ...Once we gather our funding we will start building the homestead bunkhouse - set up the retreat area  w picnic tables, seats and a larger SACRED firepit- probably like Chief Two Trees put in a massive sweat lodge - and bring in the livestock-plant the fields ,extend the orchard , and be getting the fences built-not in that order -but you know what I mean!!
Well that just about does it-need to go finish up the beans n cornbread for working in Gaia's Garden this afternoon... HUGZ.... and a big ole MUAH...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Trance Medium Healer and Medical Intuitive -my bio

Thank –you divine love light for taking the time to read this! I wanted to share a bit about my journey as a healer!
I have a healing gift that has passed down in my family for at least 5 generations. The gift of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and empathic healing. Doing as my Great Grandmother before me …walking into the forest and communicating with the elements of nature ,of seeing into the herbs and feeling what is needed to heal, also as was my Pentacostal miracle healer Grandmother- by laying on of hands and medical intuition. My Great Aunts and some of my Aunts focus more on end of life midwifery-aiding ones in the death transition to do so without pain or fear. I have been privileged to do this a time or two…

I also do work as a spirit medium and aid Earthbound spirits into the light. This is an important task for healers now. Many people suffer from Earthbound spirit and other lower energy attachments and working as a transport medium I PULL these energies through me as a purified channel for spirit. I had extensive training in doing this safely. There is no fear in doing this-it is done in ALL LOVE!

Unlike most "healers" I am a Medical Intuitive and SEER- I see into many dimensional realities all at one time - including past and future life, I see any spirit attachments, cords of attachment and literally SEE the energy body. I see the MOMENT illness began to manifest and have the ability to BEND time in order to go back to when the water within the cells of the body were perfectly healthy-and help them REMEMBER that pure health! My training has been over 51 years and began when I was born-but the past 7 years has been primarily shamanic and energy healing as well as honing my herbal tonics, infused oils and vinegars, tinctures and elixirs!

I am a Usui and Seichim Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Haumana Shaman
Trained in Jewish Shamanic Healing
I have been trained by Medicine People from the Lakota Sioux, Cherokee, Panamanian, Andean.
Attended several fire ceremonies and sweat lodges  with Taino and Mayan Medicine People.
I have extensive training in psychic development, crystal and vibrational healing..

and YET-after all that time, money and training..
I practice what was passed down in my family- the OLDE thyme Appalachian Folk Medicine Laying on of hands-calling in the angels to heal, transport mediumship healing and work with herbal tea and healing soup...
I love it-it is my lifes calling!

Forming the Nunnehi Homestead : Healing Retreat center (Nunnehi is Cherokee word for Nature Spirits)in Lake Toxaway NC. This will have 7 rustic healing retreat camp spaces, large biodynamic gardens, homestead livestock, classes and events, our mission through our non profit "Three Rivers tribe" is to teach people the olde ways of simplicity, self sufficiency, folk medicine, living close to nature, being good Earthkeepers and forming community in a New Earth Tribal Model.

Passionate about forming homesteads that are honey bee havens- in a spiritual battle with Monsanto- teaching people to work with the simple seeds given by Creator!

Ecumenical space-spiritual -NOT religious..our simple religion is LOVE...

Please visit our you tube and blogtalk radio shows and feel free to friend me on Facebook!

Sandra Bear Davis/Mama Bear is a 5th generational folk medicine practitioner of Cherokee and Celtic Descent. Master herbalist, Trance medium healer working with shamanic energy, crystal and vibrational  healing, medical intuitive ,maker of herbal concoctions to heal, painter of folk art angels, Nunnehi Medicine Woman- seer and mystic.

Teacher of the Sacred Arts, leader of Sacred Ceremony and Healing Circles


How I do my healing...

How I do my healing....

Unlike most "healers" I am a Medical Intuitive and SEER- I see into many dimensional realities all at one time - including past and future life, I see any spirit attachments,cords of attachment and literally SEE the energy body.I see the MOMENT illness began to manifest and have the ability to BEND time in order to go back to when the water within the cells of the body were perfectly healthy-and help them REMEMBER that pure health! My training has been over 51 years and began when I was born-but the past 7 years has been primarily shamanic and energy healing as well as honing my herbal tonics, infused oils and vinegars, tinctures and elixirs!

I am a Usui and Seichim Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Haumana Shaman
Trained in Jewish Shamanic Healing
I have been trained by Medicine People from the Lakota Sioux,Cherokee,Taino,Panamanian,Andean,Mayan.
I have extensive training in psychic development,crystal and vibrational healing..

and YET-after all that time,money and training..
I practice what was passed down in my family- the OLDE thyme Appalachian Folk Medicine Laying on of hands-calling in the angels to heal, transport mediumship healing and work with herbal tea and healing soup...
I love it-it is my lifes calling!

Amazing time waking up the Goddess of Fire within BURN MONSANTO BURN


Before I start automatic writing I might add- Fire has always been the most difficult yet powerful element for me...
If I get angry things literally catch on fire-if I get angry over a tv show and point my finger and say I want to watch channel xyz-NOW-the TV turns..
OK that's a little scary to have happen.
If I get really broodily angry with people they die.
AND SO... I have learned to keep in a state of calmness and watery... if ones around me are argumentitive or devisive ..instead of fighting I walk away. Without a word-I walk away...

I have been quite afraid of my own fire...
and yet this morning a slow fire in my soul ignited passionately.
I hate Monsanto-I hate the Frankenseeds and the fake foods-I hate that most people are blind to it..I hate that many countries have banned the genetically modified seeds-BUT HERE IN AMERICA... politicians have been bought off and they pass bills through allowing anything Monsanto wants...

This is what I wrote on Facebook this morning- read this posting pic here-then my comment...

This is my comment

"You know that part in Harry Potter when the letters move around to say-I am Lord Valdamort-I am pretty sure somehow the letters will move around someday for Monsanto and say -" I am Satan"-the word means if I remember correctly back to my ordained minister days- manslayer... Yep Monsanto is Satan... except Monsanto is in plain vew ... very very real and in our face...I don't want my grandbabies to look like those tumor ridden rats fed GMO- IF ones can even have babies 3 generations in... there IS a reason they are banned in so many countries-yet we (orat least the vast majority) tend to be voiceless sheeples...afraid to react to the big corporate kings.. wakey wakey-Rainbow Warriors- if NOT for yourself - do it for the 7 generations following whose DNA is being altered NOW with this Frankenfood nightmare ..and unless you are eating organic - that includes those cornflakes you are eating-and that sugar in your coffee-yeah that too...don't even go there if you are eating fast food......"
So Sandra Bear tell us what you really think!! lol.....
Soon thereafter I had a shamanic vision ..I wrote about it in the last blog and shared the poem that streamed in about the battle...I am going to share it again because I just heard streaming in from the Goddess- - "you know they are too lazy to look it up so you better do it yourself-OK-I forgive ya.. it's the flouride ,the gmo food and the vaccines- it's the mind numbing toxins and chemicals- it's the polluted air and water.. you are not to blame-you are an innocent..."
Here is the lasy blog cut and paste... love it!

This morning the archangels came into my space as I was ranting about Monsanto and vowing to energetically burn them down.. the White Buffalo Calf Woman is riding in me strong ...

Then in walked the other archangels-I could then in vision see them leading a holy host of angels... I could see them all around me with a hoard of angels all on white horses-their golden swords shining and unsheathed.. ready to do battle in defense of innocents...

These words they then gave me to write.. and so I scribe and I share it to you....

The Battle by Sandra Bear Davis

The Winds are here
The 4 great Winds
Here to do battle
In the name of innocence
The battle we all felt approaching
before the storm
breathless and quiet...
do not fear
... when the winds blow and crush down
the seemingly mighty ones
an ant under the feet of the true might
we are protected
the 4 great Heavenly Winds
They are here riding on great horses
For love of the 7 generations
They ride....
And so I say to you-when one has fire come upon them-the divine feminine Shakhina/Holy Spirit flame down upon you-it is an amazing thing!
It burns down everything that has NOTHING to do with your divine life mission
It is almost as though there is no memory of how to DO anything else!
I am in a spiritual battle with Monsanto
I am gonna burn those BITCHS down...
energetically -not physically-no physical violence... no inciting it either...
Just be warned Monsanto-the Holy Spirit FIRE-the Goddess of all GODDESSES..the anointer of Christ Himself and the Holy Archangels are riding.. and you and your political cronies and your fat cats.. eating organic and watching the rest of us die off...
Fire will rain down on you with a vengeance so swift and with a retribution so merciless..
You will rue the day you brought birth to the monster seeds.
Your veins will swim in the poisons you filled up in insecticides and pesticides... you kill LIFE..
and the Mother has been sent by the Father...

The Battle of Ages is upon us

This morning the archangels came into my space as I was ranting about Monsanto and vowing to energetically burn them down.. the White Buffalo Calf Woman is riding in me strong ...

Then in walked the other archangels-I could then in vision see them leading a holy host of angels... I could see them all around me with a hoard of angels all on white horses-their golden swords shining and unsheathed.. ready to do battle in defense of innocents...

These words they then gave me to write.. and so I scribe and I share it to you....

The Battle by Sandra Bear Davis

The Winds are here
The 4 great Winds
Here to do battle
In the name of innocence
The battle we all felt approaching
before the storm
breathless and quiet...
do not fear
... when the winds blow and crush down
the seemingly mighty ones
an ant under the feet of the true might
we are protected
the 4 great Heavenly Winds
They are here riding on great horses
For love of the 7 generations
They ride....

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Appalachian Medicine Woman phone readings /fund raising

The Appalachian Medicine Woman : Sandra Bear Davis is a 5th generation folk medicine healer,medical intuitive,clairvoyant,clairaudient,claircognizant,empath .
Teacher,healer, seer ,mystic,New Earth Prophetess and Master Mtn Herbalist
Usui and Seichim Reiki Master Teacher ,Angel Whisperer ,Oracle for the Higher Dimensions

Noon to Midnight 7 days a week you may speak to Sandra Bear Davis  without appointment by calling
1-888-693-8437  ext. 04268117
We are raising funds to build a healing retreat center in WNC Highlands through the Non Profit " Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community" and your donation thru the phone reading is tax deductible!