Monday, May 6, 2013

Creating BEE Havens for the 7 generations WE serve !

I woke up with my mind on establishing HONEY BEE Havens today-NOT behaving( you KNOW that ain't gonna happen-lol) HONEY BEE Havens-the importance of each of us a little at a time creating oasis of protection for the HONEY BEES-

Come on-we KNOW corporations aren't gonna do it-it HAS to begin GRASSROOTS... and 1 person CAN make a difference!
This how I plan to do it-please share input if you have additional ways in mind! I love ever learning!

I am an Appalachian Medicine Woman-part of my work is Oracular-I speak and write and do healing as an Oracle- right now the White Buffalo Calf Woman and the Bee Goddess Melissa are riding with me strong...healing of ALL life is vital now- the honeybees reflect how all life is doing on Earth - and as they suffer and die it shows our own lives are at risk!

We fight for the rights of the 7 generations that follow-for we serve them.. we do not OWN the Earth- we are HER CARETAKERS..I devote my life in Service of Creator and in honor of Mother Earth! I love life-I love beauty-I love babies and I love BEES....symbols of hard work and tasting the sweetness of life and peace and fine sunny days of ingathering and abundance!

1) Planting Heirloom seeds-NO GMO ( 1 kernel of GM pesticide death seed corn can kill a whole hive and drinking dew off the GM corn is suspected to be part of the whole colony collapse plague )
2)Plant lots of flowers-the Bees love my Bee Balm( go figure) dance merrily in the zinnias and adore the butterfly bush ..

3) Between the raised beds and in the fields plant red clover-they LOVE it -PLUS you get the red clover flower to dry for natural medicine! The Nunnehi Homestead bunnies will love it too...

4) Have sources of fresh water for them-not city water w chemicals-but some fresh water-maybe keep a rain barrel or a bird bath and a bird feeder ..keep the bird bath full of  good fresh water (ok I LOVVVEEEEEE birds too-why not give them a break as well) .. of course if near a stream no worries! Flying far to find water is a great danger to the Honey Bees!
5)If you CAN have a honey bee hive or 5 -then DO it!! It will be GREAT for your garden,your health and you can make mead, sell honey,make your own homemade tonics and cough syrups , make your own items with beeswax (salves and balms, candles and SO many wonderful things )-it is TOTALLY a part of homestead living and aiding in the healing of ALL..including  the honeybees-you and I and the Mother Earth.. for the 7 generations we serve cannot live without the blessings of the Earth-and her buzzing babies-THe Honey BEES!!

6) Support your local beekeepers- buying local honey protects YOU in many ways-it is the BEST to use local honey if you have allergies-it acts a bit like homeopathy ( please- research all of this for yourself I am FAAAARRRRR too lazy to post links and give reference material-but you can find it IF you seek it!)

7) Of course NO pesticides or insecticides- you can get to know the Overlighting DIVA of the bugs and so called weeds and they will help you manage the garden VERY well- talking to the Overlighting DIVA of the stinkbugs and asking them to leave and go into an abandoned house nearby I SWEAR we have no problems with them now-as many of my friends did it AND IT WORKED!!)

8) Talk about GMO and honey bees- most people HAVE NO CLUE as to the harm they are doing to themselves and the environment by supporting GM big ag!! It may be CHEAP food now-but the expense in loss of life and illness is beyond measure ...

9) Get out in nature and get to know the bees-listen to the voice of nature and hear these things for yourself! Nature is waiting to talk...and the Divine Mother is ALL ABUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with excitement to make your gardening life a BEE HAVEN full of sweetness of honey and blossoming joy unfolding!

If you are interested in coming to our Nunnehi Homestead Retreat Center please see

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