Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Healing with the Angels: Distance Healing Prayer

For those of you that would like to receive distance healing with the Archangels I am recording this live at 1 PM May 15th-you can listen to the show anytime thereafter!

I will lead you through a relaxing breathing exercise and walk you into a healing prayer which will include drumming and singing to call in the Archangels to heal!

I hope you enjoy this-I feel the power of the archangels around me now readying me for this amazing healing event!

Be blessed and a blessing!

I have a vision and a divine life calling  mission of returning the ancient healing temples back to mankind-places where ones can come free of charge to receive healing-they may offer donations and love offering to keep the spaces well maintained and flowing- but healing is given with no attachment to payment...

The Mission of the Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community is to GROW COMMUNITY by growing community gardens!
We seek to bring people together in financially struggling inner city areas so they too may enjoy healthful organic foods!Too many people live in areas where they have no access to healthy foods -where stores close because of the violence. We are here as a very small non profit to turn that - we seek cities to donate lots that can then be turned into City Farms!  Helping them to begin a community garden and attaching them to resources for doing so ,to educate and empower! We are NOT here to do it for them but to begin the project,help them get going well established  -then when they are ready - show them the way and release it to local people who have a passion for the community garden!

If you wish to donate to further our work please send to Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community  1845 Lincoln Rd Pittsburgh PA 15235 - we are seeking to purchase the Nunnehi Homestead through our Non Profit the Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community and affiliate of the larger non profit Global Coalition for Peace in Bethesda MD!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe your post is really awesum and helpful
i enjoyed Angelguard and also with healing with the angels

Thanks for the tips. healing with the angels