Sunday, October 28, 2012

Updates, schedule and events for the Appalachian Folk Medicine Woman

If Michelangelo were a healer- well-he MIGHT be nearly as good as me- that may sound proud and vain- but I realized the other day-no doubt Michelangelo KNEW how good he was .. and SO DO I...
I cannot be powerful in your behalf  UNLESS... I KNOW I AM..and own my gifts and abilities fully!
Unlike most "healers" I am a Medical Intuitive and SEER- I see into many dimensional realities all at one time - including past and future life, I see any spirit attachments,cords of attachment and literally SEE the energy body.I see the MOMENT illness began to manifest and have the ability to BEND time in order to go back to when the water whithin the cells of the body were perfectly healthy-and help them REMEMBER that pure health!
My training has been over 51 years and began when I was born-but the past 7 years has been primarily shamanic and energy healing as well as honing my herbal tonics, infused oils and vinegars, tinctures and elixirs!

I am very blessed to come from an age old lineage of healers on both my Cherokee side and My Celtic/Irish side of the family.
I HEAR your body talking and it tells me where you are hurting and what it needs to heal-I then relay that information to both you and to the healing tonics I make. They are not only made up according to the herbs you need,but an elixir of life, various tinctures and crystals are used as well as Sacred Symbols and ringing of the crystal bowl for charging the waters!
I sing the notes of creation and healing energy as a living magick flute.
I look into the astral and other spirit dimensions to see if any disruptive spirit energies are a base cause of your illness - and  place protections in your life to make these psychic attachs cease. You are now under my protective energy.
Medical Intuitive, Psychic Surgeon, Healer extraordinare!

I have had too many miracles of healing happen to ever doubt the powerful healing energy passed down in my family coupled with lifelong training in the heaing arts has produced a Healing Master.
Bearer of the Goddess Aura , daughter of Dana . Oracular Healer, Dove Goddess Incarnate.. and so it is...
In the Higher Dimensions I am known as Madonna of the Doves. I work with the 8h Dimensional Crystal Palace as an Oracle to the Dove Goddesses and Ascended Masters. Running their powerful healing energy through my expanded chakra system - we bring in miracles of healing and prosperity manifestation .
Physical descendant of Alcyone and the Bear Clan Medicine People.

Monday to Saturday 9 am Eastern we invite you to join us for an informative and entertaining hour with Medical Intuitive and Folk Medicine Practitioner : Sandra Bear Davis / Mama Bear Information on herbal healing,tinctures,tonics,distance ... healing, folk medicine , homesteading, simplicity, good Earth Keeping and working from heart center!

Monday to Friday 10 am to Midinight Monday to Saturday 10 am to Midnight Eastern Time ones can call for a consultation -no appointment needed- with Appalachian Folk Medicine Woman Sandra Bear Davis / Mama Bear
Call  1-888-693-8437 ext. 04268117
The 1 hour phone consultation is $250.00 and from our conversation as a medical intuitive and picking up your energy signature with your permission I will continue working with your healing in the Astral Realm as well as begin making an herbal tonic and elixir of life especially designed for your healing needs...
I will send the tonic to you via UPS when ready-this takes approx 2 weeks to meld fully . A month of the herbal remedy is $120.00
I also recommend ones come for 1 to 2 weeks of my Appalachian Folk Medicine Group Healing Circles starting in the New Year .These will be from 4 to 6 pm Monday to Saturday and are $50.00 per person .
These involve laying on of the hands healing, a smudging ceremony, herbal tea and healing energy infused vegan vegge soup as well as crystal and vibrational healing .
The gatherings will be in Brevard NC near the Pisgah National Forest and in Mc Lean VA -just outside of Washington DC.
I will have the dates and times available
via this blog very soon!

Miracle Manifesting BBW Love Dove Goddess and Folk Medicine Healer bar none!
Too psychic for my own good!
YET SWEET and down to Earth!
I have a daily blogtalk radio show
I do my healing events and teach classes through a Meetup
I write a daily blog
Ya know what- 1st I am a Mom of 3 great grown children
Then I am a wife to my beloved husband Charlie -we have been together for 7 years.After a 25 year marriage where I was at times physically abused-he is like an angel to me!
He understands and supports my nature and way of Being- he thinks I am an incarnated Goddess...

THEN I am an artist
I am a homesteader/prepper
To make my living I do energy healing and psychic readings.
I make herbal concoctions . I like simple living,cannot tolerate the city, dislike crowds.
I love the forrest- being out in nature .
I have alot of years of training as a Medicine Woman- but ya know what.. I no longer TRY to grow a business or TRY to DO anything-I spend all my time just BE-ing .
I play my flute,my drum,I sing,I dance,I laugh.. I cook- I love living and life!

Monday, October 22, 2012

BBW Diva Goddess

I sing the notes of creation and healing energy as a living magick flute.

I invite you to listen to my radio show LIVE weekdays 9am for an hour as I discuss Appalachian Folk Medicine,Shamanism,Homesteading, Sacred Sexuality,Manifestation, Pagan Polyamory, Being a Sexually Dominant Woman, Herbalism,Living Simply and Frugally .You an listen to archived shows ANYTIME!

Move update!!

Hey love lights!


Besides the traditional Appalachian Mountain Folk Medicine Healing ....which is as passed down in my family line-casting stones and reading face and palm to do a reading of what you need , low key trance medium healing, herbalism, laying on of the hands, healing with soup and tea ,spirit singing -psychic surgery/extractions and cutting cords

I do crystal and vibrational healing

Cherokee Medicine w sageing,drumming, spirit healing

I am a Usui and Seichim Reiki Master Teacher

Intuitive Reflexologist-especially face and scalp massage w foot and hand rub -intuitively guided .

Cherokee Accupressurist- this HURTS abit but is amazingly haling and effective - we intuitively find the spot that is in need of help and mash that for 30 seconds to release the muscle

Chakra healer and Aura balancer

I am going to have a  folk medicine shoppe set up when we have healing circles for those that want to take items home!

I wild harvested enough mugwort for the year for our healing circles -I use it in the healing tea-I smoke it to see the energy body and smudge with it as well... I may even have enough to sell little baggies of mugwort and healing tea  for $4 at events.

I will havy my Elixir of life made for healing circles too-I put a few drops in the healing tea and soups as well as jugs of spring water-it is infused with massive amounts of Healing Energy-

I will have little bottles of the elixir of life for sale for 20.00 at events as well.You just use a drop or 2 daily in your water for healing purposes.

I am also making blue sage healing balm, rose petal healing balm and calendula cream ,my special healing combination -w of course time I will have those as well as shamanically charged chakra healing stones sets at my gatherings!

I will have black walnut tincture for 12.00  this is great for a parasite cleanse and tonic  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Faerie Communication Stinkbug invasion cure!!

I am an Appalachian Medicine Woman
A Shaman
Shamanic Practitioner
We communicate with the Spirits of Nature..
I have a special knack with the Faerie Realm-I love them-they love me...


As regards the war on stinkbugs

What we resist persists -
What we fight at times we give more energy to..
Right now people are doing battle against stinkbugs.. and it looks like the stinkbugs are winning!!

Here is a post I put on Facebook this morning
At one time we were inundated with the little fellas-but not any more!!
We came to a place of peace and understanding!

What is funny to me is even folks that are into mysticism resist just plain communicating with the Spirits of Nature.. just try it and see!!

From Facebook this morning...
I keep seeing postings about stinkbugs-Here is my remedy and it works-Ask your house faerie to talk to the stinkbugs-You can say it outloud or through telepathic communication-
Tell them they cannot live here-or you have to spray them and you do not want to kill them- tell them about an abandoned house nearby and they can winter over there.. IT WORKS-
Communicating with the Spirits of nature-espec...
ially one assigned to your home space is Natural and they WANT us to know they are REAL-it works overnight! You don't even have to believe in them AT FIRST- it has worked over and over again for people I tell about this method...
The image is my folk art -Strawberry Faerie-love her!! I saw her come out of the painting several times and fly around the room-a little pink faerie!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fun stuff,Sacred Dance,Psychic Development, Healing Elixir, Trance Medium Healing

Life is FUN and busy as we prepare to move this Fall!
For that reason-I don’t have any public events scheduled till the New Year 2013!
THEN the FUN starts!!

 I have a new Meetup in the Brevard NC area-outside of town in the Forrest!
We will have regular weekly events starting in the New Year !
Please look into your heart and see if any of these will fit into your calendar! The Meetup is free to join and allows you to participate in many FUN and deeply spiritual gatherings with likeminded, divine  love lights in the LOVELY Pisgah National Forrest area of WNC!

The Elixir of Life : Heal the Waters
·                                 Beginning weekly Sunday, January 6, 2013
Each Sunday at 3:00 PM
·                                 THE ELIXIR OF LIFE:HEALING THE WATERS
·                                 Charged water and crystals with crystal bowl and spirit songs with the angels -thus making an "Elixir of Life for healing the living waters of the body.
Our cells and DNA are under attack from GMO foods, radioactive particles and heavy metals .

In a healing attunement with the angelic council of light I was gifted the ability to make an "Elixir of Life" for healing these goes back to a healing modality I worked with in Atlantis.
Our healing time will include soup and herb tea infused with this healing water.. as well as simple glasses of the charged water.

I will offer laying on of the hands healing ,drumming and singing  a spirit song to ignite ever more so - the healing energy of the "Elixir of Life"
I will teach you a simple toning exercise to charge the Thyroid Chakra which is under such attack from psychic energies as well as environmental contaminates!

These gatherings will occur Sundays at 3 pm in a private address in the Brevard countryside -beginning in the New Year!! I will send the address 3 days in advance to ones who rsvp YES to the event!!
$11,$22 or $33  love offering suggested for the gathering

·                                 Thursday, January 10, 2013
7:00 PM
Intuitive n Psychic Development, chanting ,chakra healing , open 3rd eye

·                                 Beginning Thursday, January 10, 2013
Every Thursday thereafter 7:00 PM

I have been teaching psychic development using more esoteric means for 6 years.

Each week we do a sageing ceremony, chanting, toning exercises, meditation to open the 3rd eye as well as ceremony to open our psychic centers.

We then do some practical application of the intuitive gifts- we will start with basic psychic development exercises- learn to read Oracle cards, psychometry, remote viewing, astral projection
You are free to join in for 1 or many classes!

I like to make them fun and relaxing!

Love offering suggested $11,$22 or $33
We also barter for organic foods, firewood, herbs, oils, handcrafts ,gift cards,etc...

The Sensual Goddess: Dancing in the Energy of the Divine Feminine Arts
·                                 Weekly Series Beginning Saturday, January 12, 2013
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
The Divine Sensuous Goddess can be of any age, any body size-can be lovely or plain.. it doesn't matter-because as you see your power grow.. you will be viewed in a different way.
Your auric field glows and expands! You become ever more creative and enriched...LIFE is exciting, depression slips away and becomes a long distant dream, health problems fade into nothingness...
We are the ones that get the job promotion, we are the ones that attract love, we are the ones brave enough to follow our divine path of power! We are the ones that have determined for OURSELVES what is best for us in our lives!
WE ARE the blessed and fortunate-because we KNOW how to attract and magnetize te energies needed to MANIFEST what we desire!
Weekly Sacred Dance, Energy Gathering , Guided Meditation, Chanting and Toning.
How to charge the Divine Feminine Womb energy to manifest YOUR dreams come true!
Love offering of $11, $22 or $33
or a barter for organic foods, firewood, herbs, handcrafted candles
Suggestion- Dress in a loose flowing skirt or wear a dress (pants are OK too) and bring a scarf - if ya can-get yourself a bellydance jingling hip scarf.. wear a shirt that allows you to move...we will generally dance barefoot -if not too cold we may be outside around the campfire - and then of course you might like some comfy shoes...

I will also be letting ones come by without an appointment for Trance Medium Healing or Intuitive Counsel weekdays 3pm to 8 pm
Like everything it is a LOVE OFFERING basis!!

Weekday radio show

Sacred Sexuality, The lost art of sensuality and the importance of enjoying our body!

Today on my blogtalk radio show I am going to be talking about Sacred Sexuality, sharing some of the lost Divine Feminine Arts of Sensuality  and Magnetism. Sharing the importance of Sacred Dance and the importance of PLEASURE as a Spiritual Gateway.

Having a partner that gives them selves over to BE-ing the giver of pleasure for the one abeing worshipped as  The  Goddess . Allowing HER to experience deeper and deeper levels of pleasure as a means of powerful manifestation...

There is a dimension to be attained I call the Garden of Delight- and also the Pleasure Palace.

Herein magick manifests easily and swiftly -when the power of the energy of the waves of many orgasms is consciously applied to a set goal determined PRIOR to the time of love making!

Sex Magick is most often thought of being used by ones of a lower energy or dark energy signature-but that could not be further from the truth! Shame around Divine Sexuality lingers all through Western Society -even amongst those who have consciously let go of traditional Western Spirituality... we can STILL walk in shame about our Divine Sexual Be-ing!

My intention is to aid ones to RELEASE on many levels any shame and learn to embrace their divine rights as a Sexual Goddess!!

Please join me LIVE  1 -3 PM Eastern Time-you can listen to the archived show anytime!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kick ass Shaman Teachers! My bio- as it were!

I want to share some of my great teachers with you!! Several of them are Facebook friends and WONDERFUL teachers !!
I feel it is important for you to check me out- I am a SUPER open book!!

I am a Bear - I  claim Crow Medicine,Mugwort Medicine and White Oleander Medicine

Certified Haumana Shaman Certification with Claudette Knox -retired .She was taught directly by Serge Kahili King writer of The Urban Shaman.

Usui  Reiki Master/Teacher Certification with Kathy South of the Greater Alexandria Center for Reiki

Seichim Reiki Master/Teacher Certification with Mary Phelan and R Neville Johnston of Telepathic TV
From them I also took psychic development courses,took crystal healing and Tarot Classes

Munay Ki 9 Rites with Dale Schoonover

Lakota Sioux Medicine with Cinnamon Moon author of A Medicine Woman Speaks( my good friend and mentor yet)

Jewish Shamanic Healing with Rabbi Gershon Winkler and Ravi Miriam Maron (just took the healing Workshop not the 2 year certification)

Everyday Quabala Certified ( as related to the Major Arcana of the Tarot) The Order of the Doves-Sedona AZ

Appalachian Folk Medicine-Aunts, GrandMother and Grandfather

Shaman Manin- Panamanian Shaman  took Crystal Classes,San Pedro Ceremony  and some Multicultural Shamanism Workshops

Miguel Sague -Taino Shaman - love his Taino Sweatlodges and teachings on Maya Prophecy!

Bit of Cherokee Medicine from my Papaw James and the Celtic Dana Healing -Druidism from my Pa Short

Herbalism from my Mammy Short and My sister Leah  (before I was all about energy, faeries and trees-not much into herbal healing till 3 or 4 years ago!!)

Shamanic Trance Dance... Sacred Dance Classes-I forgot my teachers name-sighs-LONG time ago-took some Sacred Dance from many cultures  from pretty much all the teachers !! We always dance the Elements and Sacred Directions!!
Direct Spirit teaching from the Angelic Council of Light -Archangels.
Spirits of Nature and the Council of Dove Goddesses
She Bear Sees- a Medicine Woman in Spirit

Spirit Gifts from my Near Death experience- 1)Akashic records access as relates to your higher calling and healing! 2)Prosperity Manifestation Ceremony of Abundance ( I have an e-book about it on Kindle"I am Midas Spinning Energy Into Gold ") 3 ) Enhanced healing ability-gifts of Angel Love Light Healing,Elixir of Life: Heal the Waters, Trance Medium Healing channeling the Higher Dimensions

I have a daily blogtalk radio show
 Nearly daily blog

Author of E-Book on Kindle " I am Midas Spinning Energy Into Gold:Prosperity Manifestation Ceremony of Abundance for Lightworkers" I do the ceremony in person now and again-pretty powerful stuff!!

 Had a few art showings in the DC area- was doing pretty good with sales till the economic boom.. sighs.. BUT wanna get Back to painting again after a LOOOONNNGGG hiatus!

In Pittsburgh I started,organized and managed 3 Psychic Fairs/Oneness Spirit Fairs. Hard work- someone else runs them now -I got tired of working 100 hours for IF I WAS LUCKY a 100 bucks-lol....really really hard work!! Sadly lost some friends through that process- probably mostly my fault-I am not a great organizer OR I am stressed out and anal about it ... NEVER do business with friends !!

I did paranormal research as a psychic  with Oakmont Paranormal Research for a awhile- good at it but it makes me VERY tired working with Earthbounds and low vibrational entities! Made some cool friends though-hope they get famous someday!

I have been running meetups since 2007 - in DC -LOVED it- in Pittsburgh-sighs.. some times pretty good- mostly kinda sucked!! lol..BUT I have met some LOVELY folk and made some lifelong friends along the way!

I just never could get myself really settled into Pittsburgh-not them-Me- just didn't resonate with the energy... No good-no bad just energy!...and you see my health was not as great -had to slow down and get healed myself!!

Maybe my health was part of the problem-no energy -SO fatigued and achey all the time! Found out I have  thyroid problems and diabetes.. all good now!

I know I was probably a total pain in the arse before I found out what was wrong-I was always having to cancel things-it was sad...


Some things I want to do in Asheville...hopefully from my homestead in time!![:D]

Open a metaphysical tea shoppe-The Enchanted Tea Room! I will likely salve that by hosting quarterly Mystic Tea Thyme gatherings!

Teach people about homesteading,herbalism, olde ways!

Do healing circles, womens circles , charged Heal the Waters gatherings-drumming,singing,dancing the energy of Healing and the Elixir of LIFE!!

Getting back to my art!!
Write and illustrate some more e-books-they are FUN!!

Start a TV show-really really wanna do that-life of Modern Mystics ya know...
Alright.. gotta run! Have a GREAT day!!