I look forward to 2013 being the best year ever for YOU and for Me! 12-21-2012 is NOT the end of the World!
It is an AWAKENING!!
My prophecy for now thru 2017...
As people remove their FEARS and learn to understand- TRUE Magickal Manifestation, Intuitive and Healing Gift are used in SERVICE to and for the GREATER GOOD!!
I do foresee a very destructive and potentially EARTHWIDE War likely beginning this Winter 2012 ,increasingly destrucive and powerful storms, tsunamis and Earthquakes,food shortages from now till at least 2017 , global depression as an economic collapse is impending by April 2013 ..
I KNOW it looks scary.. but the funny thing is-one walking in Spirit and embracing simplicity and living close to the Earth and in harmony with nature..
WE will be LITTLE ( if any) affected by it on a personal level...
BE building HEART CONNECTED community
enjoying increasing
Science will be catching up to what metaphysicians have always known.. how to create from the Etheric Realms,how to communicate with the world of Spirit and how to
HEAR the VOICE of Nature!!
My Spirit Council shared with me that my gifts as a Medicine Woman will be much needed in 2013...that I need a time of spirit connection and healing myself till then... so prepare to be BUSY in 2013 - as people embrace the OLDE WAYS ever more.. as energy and herbal healing ome back into the forefront and as Nature Based Spirituality surges onward and upward... back into a place of POWER!!
I want to take a few minutes to share some amazing things I have going on in 2013!!
Drumming,Singing,Healing,Teaching,Conducting Ceremony,doing Art and writing!
I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE being a Medicine Woman and sharing my spirit gifts with loving Lightbearers!!
For an example of teachings..you can listen to archived shows anytime! LIVE- Weekdays 1 to 3 pm Eastern
Internet Radio show www.blogtalkradio.com/newearthprophet
Please feel free to friend me on Facebook! Sandra Bear Davis (of course right now I am leaving for a retreat so won't be ONLINE till November!!)
The upcoming schedule of events for 2013
It is an AWAKENING!!
My prophecy for now thru 2017...
As people remove their FEARS and learn to understand- TRUE Magickal Manifestation, Intuitive and Healing Gift are used in SERVICE to and for the GREATER GOOD!!
I do foresee a very destructive and potentially EARTHWIDE War likely beginning this Winter 2012 ,increasingly destrucive and powerful storms, tsunamis and Earthquakes,food shortages from now till at least 2017 , global depression as an economic collapse is impending by April 2013 ..
I KNOW it looks scary.. but the funny thing is-one walking in Spirit and embracing simplicity and living close to the Earth and in harmony with nature..
WE will be LITTLE ( if any) affected by it on a personal level...
BE building HEART CONNECTED community
enjoying increasing
Science will be catching up to what metaphysicians have always known.. how to create from the Etheric Realms,how to communicate with the world of Spirit and how to
HEAR the VOICE of Nature!!
My Spirit Council shared with me that my gifts as a Medicine Woman will be much needed in 2013...that I need a time of spirit connection and healing myself till then... so prepare to be BUSY in 2013 - as people embrace the OLDE WAYS ever more.. as energy and herbal healing ome back into the forefront and as Nature Based Spirituality surges onward and upward... back into a place of POWER!!
I want to take a few minutes to share some amazing things I have going on in 2013!!
Drumming,Singing,Healing,Teaching,Conducting Ceremony,doing Art and writing!
I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE being a Medicine Woman and sharing my spirit gifts with loving Lightbearers!!
For an example of teachings..you can listen to archived shows anytime! LIVE- Weekdays 1 to 3 pm Eastern
Internet Radio show www.blogtalkradio.com/newearthprophet
Please feel free to friend me on Facebook! Sandra Bear Davis (of course right now I am leaving for a retreat so won't be ONLINE till November!!)
The upcoming schedule of events for 2013
Sandra Bear Davis: Appalachian Medicine Woman.
Please note: As a Medicine Person must 1st keep themselves grounded and centered and deeply connected to the world of Spirit- I am on a spiritual ,writing and art retreat , off grid with little cell reception for the month of October 2012 ,then I am moving to the Asheville NC countryside. So doing very little in a public way until 2013,but that will be here before you know it!!
You may rsvp for any and all events at www.meetup.com/appalachian-folk-medicine
I will have the new schedule up and finished this week!
Please note: Most events will be limited in size ,so please reserve your space early! I have folks come from all over the world for events!! Love it!!
Starting Jan.2013 -Weekdays 3 to 9 pm-ones can come by without an appointment for approx 20 to 30 minute sessions for trance medium healing , fire ceremony for prosperity and love manifestation and if one prefers face and paalm reading,psychic reading,intuitive counsel -love offering basis -pay what your heart tells you is fair!! Barter for organic foods, eggs, honey ,deer meat, handcrafted candles, firewood, herbs ,tea and such is welcomed!! I will have my new address posted well in advance!!
HOURLY APPOINTMENTS Starting in 2013 as well- Weekdays 10 am to 2 pm -Ones may have a private hour appointment for Shamanic Trance Medium Healing, Reiki, Vibrational and Crystal Healing,Cherokee Accupressure,Reflexology,Soul Retrieval,Past Life Regression, Channeled and Recorded Akashic Records Reading -please e-mail me at sandlesart@yahoo.com to set up a time for your appointment
Hourly appointments are $75.00
Weekdays early on I will be seeing private clients,meditating,praying, doing art and writing!
So please no drop by till 3 pm!
Usui and Seichim Reiki Classes
Classes in Divination,Psychic Development,Tarot
On Saturdays and Sundays -I will be offering an ongoing series of classes in Shamanism, Intuitive and Psychic Development ,Herbal Healing,How to Manifest Miracles.
We will also have Saturday evening Appalachian Folk Medicine Healing Circles and on Sundays Channeled Message Circles with the Angelic Council of Light!
6 week Certification Classes nd Intensive Workshops on Celtic Shamanism, Working with the Faerie Kingdom , Working in Sacred Space: How to tap ito the Sacred Elements and Sacred Directions, Energy Healing,Crystal and Vibrational Healing.
Vision Quests , Classes in the Forrest ,Faerie Finding Walkabouts to connect to the Spirits of Nature!
Spirit Art Classes and Sacred Dance Classes!
Celebrations of the Solstices and Equinoxes
Full and New Moon Ceremony
I will offer monthly prosperity manifestation ceremony of abundance
In order to aid Lightbearers in manifestation of financial prosperity during these difficult economic times. I share my ceremony of Abundance .Generally done in person once a month the angels shared with me a means to share this out all over the world!
My e-book available on Kindle!
I am Midas Spinning Energy Into Gold : Prosperity Manifestation Ceremony of Abundance for Lightworkers